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FREEDOM: The Overthrowing of the Slave Empires James Walvin 1978675 $5.95
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ENSLAVED: The Sunken History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade S. Jacobovici & S. Kingsley 7928696 $6.95
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THE HATED CAGE: An American Tragedy in Britain's Most Terrifying Prison Nicholas Guyatt 7847254 $6.95
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HISTORY OF THE SLAVE TRADE: The Origins of the Slave Trade and Its Impacts Throughout History and the Present Day Edoardo Albert et al 7793278 $14.95
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BLOOD ON THE RIVER: A Chronicle of Mutiny and Freedom on the Wild Coast Marjoleine Kars 7891709 $9.95
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PIRATES OF THE SLAVE TRADE: The Battle of Cape Lopez and the Birth of an American Institution Angela C. Sutton 7926251 $21.95
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THE SCIENCE OF ABOLITION: How Slaveholders Became the Enemies of Progress Eric Herschthal 1981218 $5.95
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THE BLACK JOKE: The True Story of One Ship's Battle Against the Slave Trade A.E. Rooks 781450X Price cut to $5.95
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ENSLAVED: The Sunken History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade S. Jacobovici & S. Kingsley 7838034 $11.95
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BREAKING THE CHAINS: African American Slave Resistance William Loren Katz 1039083 $12.95
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HOUSEHOLD SERVANTS AND SLAVES: A Visual History 1300-1700 Diane Wolfthal 1974297 $24.95
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TACKY'S REVOLT: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War Vincent Brown 4937317 $5.95
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TRADERS IN MEN: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Nicholas Radburn 7872291 $27.95
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